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    Title :

    Circular : Dearly beloved, The Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of America, for the state of North-Carolina, at their meeting held at Tarborough on the 21st day of November, 1793, resolved, that in consideration of the great apparent decay of virtue and vital religion, every exertion was necessary to awaken and animate the zeal of those professors of Christianity, who call themselves members of the said church

    Publication date :


    Size :

    1 sheet ([1] p.)


    Campusweiter Zugriff (Universität Hannover) - Vervielfältigungen (z.B. Kopien, Downloads) sind nur von einzelnen Kapiteln oder Seiten und nur zum eigenen wissenschaftlichen Gebrauch erlaubt. Keine Weitergabe an Dritte. Kein systematisches Downloaden durch Robots.
    Includes files in TIFF, GIF and PDF formats with inclusion of keyword searchable text
    Bristol, B8455
    Imprint suggested by McMurtrie. North Carolina
    McMurtrie, D.C. North Carolina, 188
    Recommending the formation of vestries for the purpose of procuring ministers for the various parishes
    Shipton & Mooney, 46856
    Signed: James L. Wilson, president
    Microform version available in the Readex Early American Imprints series

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    Type of material :

    Electronic Resource

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