Government Cryocooler Development and Test Programs -- Stirling Cryocooler Developments -- Pulse Tube Cryocooler Developments -- Pulse Tube Cryocooler configuration Investigations -- Pulse Tube Flow and Operational Stability Investigations -- Pulse Tube Modeling and Diagnostic Measurements -- Brayton Cryocooler Developments -- J-T and Throttle-Cycle Cryocooler Developments -- Hybrid J-T Cryocooler Systems for Operation at 4–10 K -- sorption Cryocooler Developments -- GM Refrigerators and Low-Temperature Regenerators -- Advanced Refrigeration Cycles and Developments -- Cryocooler Integration and Test Technologies -- space Cryocooler Applications -- Commercial Cryocooler Applications.

    Cryocoolers 10 is the premier archival publication of the latest advances and performance of small cryogenic refrigerators designed to provide localized cooling for military, space, semi-conductor, medical, computing, and high-temperature superconductor cryogenic applications in the 2-200 K temperature range. Composed of papers written by leading engineers and scientists in the field, Cryocoolers 10 reports the most recent advances in cryocooler development, contains extensive performance test results and comparisons, and relates the latest experience in integrating cryocoolers into advanced applications.



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    Title :

    Cryocoolers 10

    Ross, R. G. (author)


    International Cryocooler Conference ; 10 ; 1998 ; Monterey, Calif. International Cryocooler Conference ; 10 (Monterey, Calif.) : 1998.05.26-28

    Publication date :


    Size :



    v.: digital
    Campusweiter Zugriff (Universität Hannover). - Vervielfältigungen (z.B. Kopien, Downloads) sind nur von einzelnen Kapiteln oder Seiten und nur zum eigenen wissenschaftlichen Gebrauch erlaubt. Keine Weitergabe an Dritte. Kein systematisches Downloaden durch Robots.

    Type of media :

    Conference Proceedings

    Type of material :

    Electronic Resource

    Language :


    Classification :

    DDC:    621.56 / 621
    BKL:    55.60 Raumfahrttechnik / 52.43 Kältetechnik

    Cryocoolers 17

    International Cryocooler Conference | TIBKAT | 2012

    Cryocoolers 11

    Ross, Ronald G. Jr | TIBKAT | 2002

    Cryocoolers 19

    International Cryocooler Conference | TIBKAT | 2016

    Cryocoolers 13

    Ross, Ronald G. | TIBKAT | 2006

    Cryocoolers 18

    International Cryocooler Conference | TIBKAT | 2014