Synonyms were used for: POLARISATION
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    6.161 Modern Optics Project Laboratory, Fall 2002.
    Modern Optics Project Laboratory

    Free access
    Warde, Cardinal | DSpace@MIT | 2002
    Keywords: polarization

    Degree of Polarisation for Weather Radars

    Free access
    Galletti, Michele / Bebbington, David / Börner, Thomas et al. | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | 2007
    Keywords: Degree of Polarisation

    Degree of Polarization for Operational Weather Radars

    Free access
    Galletti, Michele / Bebbington, David / Börner, Thomas et al. | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | 2007
    Keywords: degree of polarization

    Degree of Polarization: Theory and Applications for weather radar at hybrid mode

    Free access
    Galletti, Michele / Bebbington, David / Chandra, Madhukar et al. | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | 2008
    Keywords: degree of polarization

    Tandem-L forest parameter performance analysis

    Free access
    De Zan, Francesco / Papathanassiou, Konstantinos / Lee, Seung-Kuk | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | 2009
    Keywords: Polarization Coherence Tomography

    On Fast, Polarimetric Non-Reciprocal Calibration and Multipolarization Measurements on Weather Radars

    Free access
    Reimann, Jens | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | 2013
    Keywords: multi-polarization measurements

    On Fast, Polarimetric Non-Reciprocal Calibration and Multipolarization Measurements on Weather Radars

    Free access
    Reimann, Jens | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | 2013
    Keywords: multi-polarization measurements

    Identification and analysis of model parameters used for LiFePO4 cells series battery pack at various ambient temperature

    Free access
    Feng, Fei / Lu, Rengui / Wei, Guo et al. | IET | 2016
    Keywords: polarisation resistances , polarisation capacitance

    Reconsideration of Ambiguities in Quad-Pol SAR

    Free access
    Villano, Michelangelo / Krieger, Gerhard / Moreira, Alberto | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | 2016
    Keywords: circular polarization

    EU harmonised polarisation curve test method for low-temperature water electrolysis

    Free access
    Malkow, Thomas | TIBKAT | 2018
    Keywords: Polarisation

    Modelling of Ultrawideband Propagation Scenarios for Safe Human-Robot Interaction in Warehouse Environment

    Free access
    Ivšić, Branimir / Šipuš, Zvonimir / Babić, Josip | BASE | 2019
    Keywords: polarization dependency of communication

    Are they coming for us? Industrial robots and the mental health of workers

    Free access
    Abeliansky, Ana Lucia / Beulmann, Matthias | BASE | 2019
    Keywords: Job Polarization

    Characterization of Land Cover Seasonality in Sentinel-1 Time Series Data

    Free access
    Dubois, Clémence / Müller, Marlin / Pathe, Carsten Friedrich et al. | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | 2020
    Keywords: polarization