1–20 of 43 hits

    Science of the Moon

    Jennifer Edmunson / Heidi Haviland | NTRS | 2020

    Molecular-Based Optical Diagnostics for Hypersonic Nonequilibrium Flows

    Danehy, Paul M. / Bathel, Brett F. / Johansen, Craig T. et al. | NTRS | 2013

    The earth's radiation belt.

    Hess, W. N. | NTRS | 1965

    A lunar X-ray diffraction experiment.

    Nash, D. B. / Nickle, N. L. / Speed, R. C. | NTRS | 1965

    The Surveyor thermal switch

    Deal, T. E. | NTRS | 1970

    Future research on interstellar communication.

    Cameron, A. G. W. | NTRS | 1963


    Kaula, W. M. | NTRS | 1962

    Antarctic research and lunar exploration

    Johnson, R. W. / Smith, P. M. | NTRS | 1970

    A group of earth-to-moon trajectories with consecutive collisions.

    Pierce, D. A. / Standish, E. M., Jr. / Szebehely, V. | NTRS | 1964

    Meteoroid environment.

    Burbank, P. B. / Cour-Palais, B. G. | NTRS | 1964

    The aurora.

    Davis, T. N. | NTRS | 1965

    Mechanical aspects of the lunar surface magnetometer

    Nelms, W. L. / Schwartz, W. | NTRS | 1970