Synonyms were used for: Ear
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1–10 of 11 hits

    Diagnostic system based on the human auditory-brain model for measuring environmental noise - an application to railway noise

    Sakai, H. / Hotehama, T. / Ando, Y. et al. | Tema Archive | 2002
    Keywords: Gehörorgan

    Loudness-Based Audio Signal Mixing in Automotive Environments

    Hess, Wolfgang / Zeller, Michael | Tema Archive | 2012
    Keywords: Gehörorgan

    Implementing ITAR/EAR Compliance in a NASA Project Environment

    Dumas, Robin / Fisher, Keevin / Avila, Donna | NTRS | 2002
    Keywords: ITAR EAR SIRTF

    Use of instrumented earplugs to measure driver head accelerations

    Knox, T. | Tema Archive | 2002
    Keywords: Ohr

    Modelling the structural/acoustic coupling of an aircraft fuselage for optimising an active noise control system

    Cazzolato, B.S. / Hansen, C.H. | Tema Archive | 1996
    Keywords: Vibro-akustisches System

    Parametrische Analyse des Schallfeldes am Ausströmer einer Kfz-Klimaanlage zur Bestimmung einer Mündungskorrektur

    Pies, Kai / Sentpali, Stefan / Fallen, Manfred | Tema Archive | 2008
    Keywords: Ohr

    Positive-pressure breathing as a G-protection device: safety concerns

    Jennings, T. / Zenetti, C. | Tema Archive | 1988
    Keywords: EAR PAIN