Synonyms were used for: Experiment
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1–20 of 178 hits

    Whoa! Did I see what I thought I saw?

    Fisher, D. K. / Elkins, E. | NTRS | 2002
    Keywords: Space Technology 6 ST6 Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment

    Vestibulospinal adaptation to microgravity

    Paloski, W. H. | NTRS | 1998
    Keywords: Flight Experiment

    Vestibular plasticity following orbital spaceflight: recovery from postflight postural instability

    Black, F. O. / Paloski, W. H. / Doxey-Gasway, D. D. et al. | NTRS | 1995
    Keywords: Flight Experiment

    Vestibular Experiments in Space

    Cohen, Bernard / Yakushin, Sergei B. / Holstein, Gay R. et al. | NTRS | 2005
    Keywords: Flight Experiment

    Vestibular adaptation to space in monkeys

    Dai, M. / Raphan, T. / Kozlovskaya, I. et al. | NTRS | 1998
    Keywords: Flight Experiment , NASA Experiment Number 8809A10 , NASA Experiment Number COS 2044-8

    Using Spacelab as a precursor of science operations for the Space Station

    Marmann, R. A. | NTRS | 1997
    Keywords: Flight Experiment

    Use of animal models to study skeletal effects of space flight

    Doty, Stephen B. / Vico, Laurence / Wronski, Thomas et al. | NTRS | 2005
    Keywords: Flight Experiment

    Top-Mounted Propulsion Test Plans (TMP17)

    Bridges, James / Henderson, Brenda / Huff, Dennis | NTRS | 2017
    Keywords: Experiments

    Three-dimensional spatial selectivity of hippocampal neurons during space flight

    Knierim, J. J. / McNaughton, B. L. / Poe, G. R. | NTRS | 2000
    Keywords: Flight Experiment , NASA Experiment Number 9301100

    The Voyager Interstellar Mission

    Rudd, R. P. / Hall, J. C. / Spradlin, G. L. | NTRS | 1997
    Keywords: Flight Experiment

    The use of in-flight foot pressure as a countermeasure to neuromuscular degradation

    Layne, C. S. / Mulavara, A. P. / Pruett, C. J. et al. | NTRS | 1998
    Keywords: Flight Experiment

    The prevention of adverse physiological change in Space Station crewmembers

    Rambaut, P. C. | NTRS | 1988
    Keywords: Flight Experiment

    The NASA Sounding Rocket Program and space sciences

    Gurkin, L. W. | NTRS | 1992
    Keywords: Flight Experiment

    The Living With a Star Space Environment Testbed Experiments

    Xapsos, Michael A. | NTRS | 2014
    Keywords: Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) spacecraft

    The Interferometry Program Flight Experiments: IPEX I & II

    Levine, M. | NTRS | 1998
    Keywords: Experiments

    The immune system in space and microgravity

    Sonnenfeld, Gerald | NTRS | 2002
    Keywords: Flight Experiment

    Telemetry computer studies

    Stabler, E. P. | NTRS | 1965

    Summary results of the first United States manned orbital space flight

    Glenn, J. H. Jr | NTRS | 1963
    Keywords: Flight Experiment

    Status report on the biosatellite

    Jenkins, D. | NTRS | 1966