1–20 von 52 Ergebnissen

    Planeacion modelada de un sistema de segundad en el transito

    Bruce F. Goelller Accid. Anal. & Prev. 1 167–204
    Elsevier | 1969

    Elaboration d'un systéme de sécurité routière

    Bruce F. GoeelerAccid. Anal. & Prev. 1, 167–204
    Elsevier | 1969

    Modeling the traffic-safety system

    Bruce F. GoellerAccid. Anal. & Prev. 1 167–204
    Elsevier | 1969

    Modelle für Verkehrssicherheitssysteme

    Bruce F. GoellerAccid. Anal. & Prev. 1, 167–204
    Elsevier | 1969

    Elanálisis de las tasas de reclamaciones de seguro de automóviles. por marca y tamaño

    H. C. Hall, F. Garwood y B. Mossakowski: Accid. Anal. & Prev. 1, 359– 372
    Elsevier | 1969

    Quelques analyses des tauv de réclamations en assurance automobile selon la marqaue et la puissance

    H. C. Hall, F. Garwood et B. Mossakowski: Accid. Anal. & Prev. 1, 359– 372
    Elsevier | 1969

    Some analyses of car insurance claim rates by make and size

    H. C. Hall, F. Garwood and B. Mossakowski: Accid. Anal. & Prev. 1, 359– 372
    Elsevier | 1969

    The simulator as a driver testing device

    John F. O'Brien. New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, Albany, New York 12228, August, 1977
    Olsen, R.A. | Elsevier | 1978

    Proceedings of the American association for automotive medicine 22nd conference and the international association for accident and traffic medicine VII conference

    (Held 10–14 July 1978 in Ann Arbor, Michigan). Donald F. Huelke, ed. American Association for Automotive Medicine, Morton Grove, IL, 1978. 2 vols.
    Elsevier | 1979

    Accident research manual

    F. M. Council, D. W. Reinfurt, B. J. Campbell, F. L. Roediger, C. L. Carroll, A. K. Dutt and J. R. Dunham. University of North Carolina, Highway Safety Research Center, Chapel Hill, NC, 1980. 144 pp. $7.00
    Griffin, Lindsay I. III | Elsevier | 1980

    Project K-steer

    Lawrence F. Keller, Arie Halachmi, William Kirby and James W. Weber. Institute for Social and Environmental Studies, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KA, 1978. 84 pp.[DOT HS-804-790]
    Elsevier | 1980

    Ocular injuries in automobile crashes

    D. F. Heulke, J. O'Day, and W. H. Barhydt, Journal of Trauma, 1982, 22, 50–52.
    Elsevier | 1982

    Effectiveness of safety belt usage laws

    F. G. Fisher, Jr., Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., Washington, D.C., 1980. NTIS No. DOT HS-805 490.
    Elsevier | 1982

    The effect of curfew laws on motor vehicle crashes

    D. F. Preusser, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Washington, DC, 1982.
    Elsevier | 1983

    Methodological considerations in the use of the Abbreviated Injury Scale in trauma epidemiology

    J. I. Barancik and B. F. Chatterjee, Journal of Trauma, 1981, 21, 627–631.
    Elsevier | 1983

    The effects of raising the legal minimum drinking age on fatal crash involvement

    A. F. Williams, P. L. Zador, S. S. Harris, and R. S. Karpf, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Washington, DC, 1981.
    Elsevier | 1983

    Hazardous materials spills handbook

    Gary F. Bennett, Frank S. Feates, Ira Wilder, eds. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1982. 674 pp. $49.50.
    Elsevier | 1984

    Intercollegiate lacrosse injuries

    W.E. Nelson, B. DePalma, J. H. Gieck, and F. C. McCue et al., Physician and Sportsmedicine, 1981, 9(10), 86, 88–92.
    Elsevier | 1984

    Armospheric dispersion of hazardous/toxic materials from transport accidents

    (W. F. Dabberdt, editor). International Centre for Transportation Studies, Amalfi, Italy, September 20–24, 1983. Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1984. 198 pp. ISBN 0-444-87518-2
    Elsevier | 1985

    Field study: U.S. farmworkers and pesticide safety

    R. F. Wasserstrom and R. Wiles, World Resources Institutes, Washington, DC, July 1985
    Elsevier | 1986